Howdy Everyone,
Sorry for these day late blog posts. The computer has been being used by other members of the family and I feel that what they are working on far more important tasks then I am.
Yesterday, I got to play twinsies with a buddy of mine. We wore the same shirt and scarf. They are too adorable not too.
It is a gray shirt with a lace bottom and then a navy and white elephant scarf. Anyone that knows me knows how perfect this outfit is for me. I love neutral clothes and lace so that top was perfect. Then I am obsessed with navy and white stripes. There was a photo I posted on Instagram probably six months ago or so of all my navy and white striped items. That did not include, shorts, skirts, hair accessories, scarves, or any other pieces of clothing besides shirts. Well the scarf I wore yesterday is navy and white striped and has elephants on it. I love elephants. They have been one of my favourite animals since I was a little kid and I got to feed one a hotdog. Then when I went to Texas A&M I got even more passionate about them. Some of our traditions are focused around elephants. Then to top that all off my husband proposed at Elephant Walk.
A fun story from yesterday centered around scarves happened when I got to work and I saw my manager had put an outfit of the day together with my name on it. She chose a dress and necklace that I absolutely loved. When I saw it she said, "I figured you might want to add a scarf to it." Yes even at work my scarf addiction follows me. It just made me laugh.
I also have started using a new app which I know is going to take some time for me to get used to but it will keep track of how much I actually spent for something based on how much I wear it. It allows me to collage items together like a magazine layout. This is going to take some practice and time but I am enjoying it and will be posting my first one for this. It also has a lot of very cool features but I figure this app will keep my honest about if I have actually worn something in the last six months or so and if not it is going bye bye.
Here is my collage. Sorry for the wrinkles.
My husband took this photo of me just fixing my scarf but I liked it.
Then here is my full look.
Happy belated Tuesday. Happy Wednesday.
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