Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day Thirty Three of my Scarf Challenge

Lobster for lunch anyone?

I have been very very bad about posting. I feel very bad as I have had several people the last few days ask me when I was going to be posting next as they have been seeing and reading. I did not realize. Haha. Sorry for that.

This scarf has the same story as the bicycle scarf that I wore very early on in my challenge. I got it at Icing when I volunteered at an event called Grand Ball. One of the best events I have ever been apart of. We did two days of shopping. One was just to try and find me a dress. Which we finally did. It was on sale and it took two malls and a good part of two days to find. I grabbed the bicycle for reasons you can read in my old post. For the lobster though it is a lot different. I do not like the taste of lobster at all. Most people find this very hard to believe. I tell them they should like me more because it means more for them. I do love lobsters on clothing though. Something just so nautical about it. Lobsters also remind me of the north east. One summer my parents took us on a road trip from Nova Scotia all the way back down to Florida. It was one of my most memorable road trips with them. I also love blue and red especially together and it just adds a little bit of patriotism in there.

Sorry for the very straight uncomfortable pose. I was uncomfortable as there were several neibours walking about staring. 

Eat up. 


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