Friday, March 10, 2017

Change of Plan... Moving Towards Minimalism

For those that remember my scarf challenge from around two years ago I wore a different scarf everyday. Those that were not worn I donated. I wore several different outfits with these scarves.

Over the last two years, I have collected more and more clothing (along with other items) and hardly gotten rid of anything. I always worry if I get rid of it that that is when I will need that item.

The last couple of months I have been slowly trying to change my consumer habits, buying habits and to stop holding on to items that do not bring me joy.

Since I met my husband I have been amazed that everything he owns (except his computer) can fit into a small trunk/foot locker. One of my first thought was poor guy he does not have much. He only has 3 shirts, a pair of jeans and shorts. How does he live not being able to change his outfit everyday? I think you get the point.

I had another friend who growing up I was always amazed at the items she had and always wanted the items when she would pass them on. One year she came home from college and cleared out almost everything that she owned. I was in shock. She has lived like this since and said she has never been happier and does not regret this decision for a second.

Over the last few months I have been getting sick of not being able to find certain clothes, shoes jewelry, paperwork, photos etc. I cannot move my clothes hangers in my closet. I cannot stand the crammed drawers. I cannot stand not being able to see all my shoes, jewelry and accessories. So I have decided to try and minimize what I have.

I figure this like the scarf challenge might inspire people to try something new and hopefully it will keep me accountable.

Yesterday, I did my first round of going through my closet. I filled a large box with shoes and another box with clothes. There is definitely a long way to go but I can finally move most of the hangers from side to side. I think the biggest asset was there were about 4 items I was keeping for very sentimental reasons. Really worried I would forget them. So I took photos of them to remember them by forever.

If y'all really want to see just how bad my closet it I am going to post photos down below.

I forgot to take photos until I got through the tank top section but the rest of it is very accurate. 

Then here is the sweater, jacket and other random stuff section. 

This is the after. It does not look like much but if you look there is defiantly more space between hangers. 

My next step is what I will start this evening and that will be trying every single piece of clothing on. get rid of what does not fit, what colours do not look great on me, what styles no longer look good on me etc. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day Forty One of my Scarf Challenge

Hallo Everyone!

So keeping with the Christmas theme I wore red again today. This scarf holds a lot of memories. It is the first scarf I ever remember wearing vividly. I wore it when I went on my trip to Washington DC for my sororities convention. I have so many cute photos of me wearing it on that trip that I almost posted those. 

I want to say that I bought it at Target but in all honesty I have no clue! It is one of my original scarves and my most warn scarves. I also like that I do not have to tie it and it stats in place because it has some weight to it. 

Goodbye for now. 


Day Forty of my Scarf Challenge

Merry Christmas in April!

So this scarf is very special because my Big (from my sorority) gave it to me. I received it this Christmas when she did 12 days of gifts for the 12 days of Christmas. This scarf she gave me on the third day for the three french hens. She told me the hens had headed back to France but they had left a scarf behind for me. 

I love that it is gray so it goes with just about anything. Also I had seen scarf like this that I liked but it was very itchy because of the sequins. With this scarf, though, I do not feel any of the sequins which is very nice. The glitter was also perfect around Christmas time. 

Have a great day!


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day Thirty Nine of my Scarf Challenge

Howdy Everyone!

That is how we say hallo it in Aggieland. 

I was so glad I was wearing this scarf. I was wearing my Texas A&M logo scarf at work. It was very busy so I was bouncing around but I kept trying to figure out why this mum and daughter kept staring at me. When it was time for them to ring out the daughter goes, "Are you a Texas Aggie?" I exclaimed, "Yes, class of 2014!" She told me she was class of 2010 and we tried to figure out if we knew any of the same people. Slightly possibility but still awesome. They actually returned a bit later when it had slowed down to talk to be a little more. All because I was wearing my scarf. 

Note: I was wearing my Aggie Ring which everyone says identifies you but I would like to know why no one every seems to notice it on me. 

The reason I bought this scarf was my dear buddy Caro who was a German exchange student was getting a few last minute items to take back to Germany with her. We were in Target and saw these. If my memory serves me correct we both bought one. If not she talked me into it. It was a scarf that when I got home I was like why did I buy that? I am graduating in six months and then am I really going to wear it? I have worn it so much more then I ever thought I would and I probably where it the most out of my three Aggie scarves. 

Thanks and Gig 'Em.


Day Thirty Eight of my Scarf Challenge

Hallo Everyone!

So we are getting close to the finish. I wonder if I am actually at 55 but I am so backed up that I am passed 55 or something and I just don't know it. 

This scarf is a scarf that I bought at Francesca's. I am really strange when it comes to pink. When I was in grade one everything in my life was pink. Even grade two was close to everything being pink. Me not liking pink as much happened when I really wanted to be Mary in our school Christmas play. There were between six and eight of us that wanted to play Mary. Once my teacher announced that we had to wear blue for the play it came down to three of us. My teacher decided to take a vote and I think I won by a landslide. It was then I realized that good things could come from not wearing pink. There were many other  lessons learned during that whole process that I am still amazed I still remember. 

I do on occasion like to wear pink for a bit of colour. I either love a ballerina pink or like an 80's neon pink. This should come as no surprise to those that know me as I love both these kids of styles when dressing along with many styles in between. 

Ballet pink with black is one of my favourite combos. It allows me to dress edgy with just a little bit of softness. 

This scarf is awesome because it is so fluffy and cozy. 

Until later. 


Friday, April 3, 2015

Day Thirty Seven of my Scarf Challenge

Start of the streak!

No not streaking but a streak of me wearing pretty much all black for quite a few days. 

The jacket I am wearing I really debated buying it or not. I am SOOO glad that I did because I wear it usually at least four days a week. Really good purchase in my book. Now I just wish I could get a real leather jacket like that. I have the hardest time though finding real leather anymore which I think is insane! 

Anyways, my scarf. This scarf is actually a dark royal blue and black checkered infinity scarf. I got it for about $5.00 at a Francesca's outlet store. I love it because it adds a little bit of colour to an otherwise completely black outfit. However, it does not loose the edgy vibe which I really like. I bought it when I went and met my new boss for the first time. It is light weight but it does keep me warm. 

I also tried to do a faux hawk dutch braid today. Obviously a fail. I can do a great dutch braid pretty much anywhere on my head but not down the center. Should not surprise me as it is the same for french braids. 

Sorry for the horrible photos but this is what happens when no one else can take the picture. 


Monday, March 30, 2015

Day Thirty Six of my Scarf Challenge

It's a blue and paisley kind of day!

So today was a great day but not a great day. I thought I was going into the dentist to have a wisdom tooth pulled. Turns out there is no wisdom tooth there was after about two hours they finally came to the conclusion that they had no conclusion. My mouth has baffled the dental and orthodontic communities for years so I will not hold it against them. So no teeth pulled yeah but sad because no conclusive results. 

So because of this I dressed extremely casual today. a spirit jersey from my honeymoon and my blue paisley scarf. It is true, blue is a very calming colour so I loaded up on it today. Again, like yesterday nothing too special about this scarf. I loved that it was blue a colour that I really do not own much of in the scarf department. Plus, paisley is beautiful and perfect for this time of year. Again a pattern a love but I do not own much of. 

Sorry for the squinty eyes but it was bright. 

Have a day full of colour!
